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NGC7380 Wizard Nebula

Classification: Open Cluster / Diffuse Nebula
Constellation: Cepheus
Object Location: Ra 22h 48m Dec +58° 12’44° (current)
Size & Distance: 20 x 20 Apx 7.2 ly. Mag7.2

Date & Location: 6-28-14 Palomar Mountain
Exposure: Sll (R) Ha (G) Olll (B) 7ea.1x1@900 5h 15m Total
Optics: Telescope Engineering Company APO180FL @ f/5.23 using an Astro-Physics TCC160 F/L 940mm
Mount: Astro-Physics 1200 GTO / ATS 10x36 Pier
Camera: FLI-ML6303/CFW2-7/ Atlas focuser @-20c
Filters: Astrodon 3nm Ha, Sll, Olll
Software: MaxImDL 6, Photoshop CS5

Notes: NGC 7380 (also known as the Wizard Nebula) is an open cluster discovered by
Caroline Herschel in 1787. It is also known as 142 in the 1959 Sharpless catalog 
(Sh2-142). This reasonably large nebula is located in Cepheus. It is extremely
difficult to observe visually.