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My Eyes

Notes: These are my eyes for imaging. Finger Lakes Instrumentation, (FLI) they are the Proline and Microline line of CCD cameras they sell. On the left is the PL-16803 and the FLI-CFW 5-7 filter-wheel that uses (7) 50mm square filters and has Astrodon 50mm square Gen 2 LRGB and 3nm Ha, Sll and Olll narrowband filters installed. This camera uses the ON Semi- KAF-16803 CCD chip with 9um square pixels and an array of 4096x4096 and a QE of 60%. The camera on the right is the MLx694 and uses the Sony ICX694AL chip and is an interline format with 4.54um square pixels and an array of 2750x2200 and a QE of 77% . More information on these cameras can be found on FLI’s website.