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Abell 85

Classification: Supernova remnant (SNR) Abell 85 / CTB 1 / LBN 576
Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)
Object Location: Ra 23h 58m 53s Dec +62° 30’28” (current)
Size & Distance: Apx. 35 x 35 Apx 9800 light years.

Date & Location: 07-02-2011 Palomar Mountain, CA.
Exposure: Ha 8 @ 15min (bin 1x1)
Optics: Takahashi Epsilon-210 f3 630mm. w/ FLI-PDF
Mount: Astro-Physics 900 GTO / ATS 10x36 pier.
Camera: SBIG-ST10XME / Guided by TV60APO / w SBIG-RGH
Filters: Astrodon 3nm Ha
Software: MaxImDL 4.56, Photoshop CS5, Topaz Labs.

Notes: Sky conditions: Average seeing, Light wind, Temp 75°
Image Field of view is 54 x 80 arcmin.

Abell 85 supernova remnant is about 10,000 years old and is about 9800 light-years distant, and about 100 light-years in diameter.
Originally catalogued as Abell 85, a planetary nebula. It was soon determined to be a supernova remnant. It’s also recognized as a radio source and has a (CTB 1) designation.