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Classification: Galaxy Group “Leo-Trio” (M65,M66,NGC3628)
Constellation: LEO
Object Location: Ra 11h 20m 40s Dec +13° 13° (current)
Size & Distance: Apx 35 Million light-years.

Date & Location: 03-05-2011 Little Blair Valley, CA
Exposure: LRGB L=7 @10min (bin 1x1) RGB=3ea. @ 10min (bin 2x2)
Optics: Telescope Engineering Company APO140ED @ f/7 F/L 980mm.
Mount: Astro-Physics 900 GTO / ATS 10x36 Pier
Camera: SBIG-ST10XME @-20c
Filters: Astrodon G2 LRGB
Software: MaxImDL 4.56, Photoshop CS.

Notes: Sky conditions: Average seeing, calm winds, mid 40’s
Image Field of view is 52 x 35 arcmin.

M65, M66 and NGC3628 forms a most conspicuous triplet of galaxies, the Leo Triplett or M66 group, located at a distance of about 35 million light years.
M65 is upper left, M66 lower left, NGC3628 is to the right