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Old Image-Train

Notes: *This camera configuration is no longer used. The FLI-PL16803 is now being used*

This shows everything that was attached to the back of the TEC APO180FL for imaging. From left to right; You have a *custom adapter/spacer, this completely replaced the stock 3.5” Feather-Touch focuser. The FLI-Atlas focuser, a *custom three point adapter made to allow the use of the Astro-Physics 4” 160FF or 160TCC, a *custom off access guider, this allowed the 160FF and 160TCC to thread directly into the OAG, an SBIG Sti-guider, FLI 2-7 filter wheel, FLI-ML16200 / MLx694 camera.
* All custom adapters are home made by myself.
