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The TEC 110 Image Train

Notes: This shows everything that is attached to the back of the TEC 110 for imaging. From left to right; You have a *custom adapter/spacer, this completely replaced the stock TEC focuser. The TEC focuser support ring, the FLI-Atlas focuser, a *custom three point adapter, a *custom adapter that attaches the TEC field-flattener to the Atlas focuser, (this can also be used to rotate the camera if needed) the TEC 110 field-flattener that thread directly into the *custom OAG, an SBIG Sti-guider, *custom adapter to attach the CFW to the OAG, FLI 1-8 filter wheel w/gen 2 LRGB and 3nm Ha-S2-03 filters , FLI-MLx694 attached, or the FLI-PL 16803 camera.
* All custom adapters are home made by myself.