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Barnard's Galaxy NGC6822 with PNG 026.1-17.6

Classification: Irregular Galaxy NGC6822, IC4895, Caldwell C57
Constellation: Sagittarius (SGR)
Object Location: Ra 19h 45m 56s Dec -14° 15’06” (current)
Size & Distance: Apx 14x15 Apx 1.6 Million light-years.

Date & Location: 08-2/3-2024 Lockwood Observatory, Descanso,CA.
Exposure: HaO3RGB 120-105-80-80-80 Ha-8x15, O3-7x15, RGB 16x5 ea.
Optics: TEC APO110FL w/ TEC FF @ f/5.74, 631mm, FLI-Atlas focuser. Takahashi FSQ106-EDX4 / 694 reducer @ f3.6 385mm / / FLI-Atlas focuser
Mount: Astro-Physics 1100GTO-AE CP4
Camera: Moravian C3-61000 Pro and Moravian C3-26000ECPro, Guided by ZWO 174mini / w OAG.
Filters: Astrodon & Chroma 50mm LRGB
Software: MaxImDL 6.11, CCDStack, Photoshop CC, Topaz, PI.

Notes: This was a side by side setup.
The TEC APO110FL @ f/5.74, 631mm used the Moravian C3-61000 Pro bin 2x2 for the O3, RGB subs.
The Takahashi FSQ106-EDX4 / 645 reducer @ f3.6 385mm used the Moravian C3-26000EC Pro bin 1x1 for Ha,RGB subs.

This is also part of our local group of galaxies.
Also in the field is the PN Little Gem NGC6818 and a rarely imaged PNG 026.1-17.6

Sky conditions: Above average seeing, No wind, Temp mid 70’s
Cropped Image Field of view is 120x120 arcmin. Image Scale 2.46 & 1.23 arcsec/pix